Cybersecurity : How to prevent cyber attacks ?

Cybersecurity : How to prevent cyber attacks ? In today's digital age, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern for businesses of all sizes. With the increasing reliance on digital technologies in daily operations, companies face a myriad of potential vulnerabilities that can expose them to cyber threats. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, the consequences of inadequate cybersecurity measures can be devastating, leading to financial losses, reputational damage, and operational disruptions. Therefore, it is imperative…

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working at height

Safety tips for working at height Working at heights presents a unique set of challenges and hazards. In industries such as construction, maintenance, and utilities, where tasks are often performed several feet off the ground, the risk of serious accidents and injuries can be high. Understanding and effectively mitigating these risks are critical for maintaining a safe working environment. What is Working at Height? Work at height is defined as any work conducted in a…

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standard operating procedures

What is a Standard Operating Procedure ? And why is it important ? In the intricate tapestry of business operations, the juxtaposition between a thriving, successful enterprise and a lackluster one often hinges on the synchronization of multifaceted components. This is where the instrumental role of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) comes to the forefront. SOPs, meticulously crafted documentation of processes, emerge as the cornerstone of consistency, efficiency, and productivity within organizations. This article delves into…

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Promote safety practice in the workplace

Promote safety practice in the workplace Around the world, nearly 2/3 of accidents at work are linked to behavioural problems (violation of procedures, failure to comply with safety rules, errors, etc.). It is therefore logical to think that changing these behaviours will reduce the number of accidents. But how can we recognise them? How can we transform them so that our professional sphere becomes safer? And how can we deal with those who, aware of…

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How to avoid common health and safety issues in the workplace?

How to avoid common health and safety issues in the workplace? Work-related injuries and illnesses can have serious effects on the lives of workers and their families, as well as on their employers. According to the International Labour Organization, more than 370 million people are injured or become ill in work-related accidents every year. The institution estimates that the cost of working days lost due to health and safety issues amounts to almost 4 per…

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employees in office environment

The office is not the first place you would think of when you think of safety at work! Office places would not usually fall into the high-risk category, but this does not mean that no hazards exist here. Let’s take a closer look. A job where most work tasks are carried out while sitting in a chair in a climate-controlled office would …

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Personnal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is one of the most useful, but also the most misunderstood risk control measures available in the workplace. The correct PPE can provide very robust barriers to hazards but it must be used in the right context which unfortunately is not always the case in the workplace.

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lifting operations

This discussion looks at the safety issues that are related to lifting operations, including equipment and accessories and what general arrangements need to be in place to safely manage this type of hazardous work.

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taking note during a safety meeting

Everyone that visits your site should have some kind of formal induction. Each induction will need to cover different topics, for example, Visitors won’t need to know how to fill out a permit to work form, but they will need to know where their assembly point is, in the event of an emergency.

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